Mile marker 1

Good afternoon,

So I decided that for my 20 pound milestone, instead of eating a crazed high calorie, high carb cheat meal, I would purchase an outfit to show off my progress. I’m at 6 pounds right now. The thing is I’m not weighing myself everyday. The problem with weighing in daily is it can be a barrier or decrease motivation because you aren’t seeing results. I weigh in every two weeks. I was looking for someone to do this healthier lifestyle with and I found that person, MY MOM! We are doing great. We hold each other accountable and support each other In a positive way. Instead of going out and adding calories by drinking a mixed drink or beer, I decided to try making low carb tomato basil soup. I’ll post the recipe later. Anyways, the link is an idea of my first outfit for my first accomplishment. You get the idea of my style. Stay healthy, stay happy!


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